→ Check out the FAQ to see if your question has already been answered. Low quality top comments, such as 'I don't know' or 'Just Google it' will be removed. Do not simply post a link to an article, site, or forum without context as to why you're recommending a visit to said link. Tipard PDF to Word Converter for Mac is designed with OCR tech to improve textual and non-textual documents conversion accuracy when converting PDF to Microsoft Word compatible formats. →In depth responses to questions are highly encouraged. →Memes, blogspam, and advertising will be removed immediately. Step 6: Click File Locations and select User Templates. Step 5: Close all the Microsoft applications and select the Word icon in the top menu bar. →Submitted PDFs MUST be directly linked to the original source (if known) or uploaded to Google Drive (if unknown). Step 4: In case you still cannot open Word document on Mac, restore the file to its original location and continue with the next steps.
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